
MO NANi MO LOVE, a filipinx bakla bangah DJ from the wessai of O’ahu. Known for their genre bouncing sets that highlight inclusivity and push soundscapes from sphere to sphere in creating and fostering spaces that center QTBIPOC in the moana nui to da world with a message to pop off and fuck this shit up in all the best ways. And yes, we love run on sentences just like how we love keeping that musical mix running. YESSAH BLESSAH
Lanie Punani, musically baptized MO NANi MO LOVE, born and raised tittyshaking whilst moonwalking all the way from the Hawaiian Kingdom. Wait, I hate speaking in “3rd person.” I’m a child of immigrants with parents from the ancestral lands of the Philippines. I started djing freshman year of high school with thrifted vinyl records with gifted technics. Digital vs analog movement in sound is a recent pick up and it’s been dumb cute. I love injecting my raw diasporic Philippines roots and growing up in Hawai’i nei into everything I do. Isla life heavy. I’m a part of a Hawai’i based collective, Māhū Mix, ‘where māhū, 2spirit, transgender, nonbinary, baklas, mvpfaff+ and gender variant queers can show up as their full beautiful selves for a night of transformative, sweaty moments and moonlit conversations that sweep us into the queer utopia we crave!’ I’m a self taught producer coming out with my debut EP by early summer.